This '41 Willys Was Built With Big John's Gasser in
Photography: Jeff Tann; Words; Jeff Tann
was a warm summer afternoon at Lion's Drag Strip in Wilmington, California.
The smell of nitro fumes and tire smoke mixed with the stench from the
near-by oil refineries, but nobody really paid attention to the weird
smell when the AA/Gas supercharged Willys came to the line. The announcer
came on the PA system touting the gasser wars and all of the racecars
and owners that were ready to do battle. Names such as Stone, Woods, Cook,
KS Pittman, George Montgomery, and Big John Mazmanian were ready to face
off. From the grandstands you could hear cheers after every name was called
off. This was the best part of '60s drag racing - the gasser wars is what
race fans came to see!
The first match race pitted Stone, Woods, Cook's blue Willys against an
awesome candy-apple red Willys owned by Big John Mazmanian. Both cars
did a small, smoky burnout and came to the staging line. Sitting nose
high, the cars sounded nasty and looked awesome. The Christmas tree lights
came down and both cards launched off the line with the front wheels in
the air. It was a close race, but Mazmanian's candy killer crossed the
finish line a nose ahead of Stone, Woods, and Cook. After the low-9-second,
146-mph run, Mazmanian was going to the second round against KS Pittman.